Writing Retreats: Spring Reflections

As part of our ongoing support for faculty and the development of their research and writing, each spring we take a trip to the outer banks of NC to write, reflect, and rest up in preparation for the rest of the semester.


The Outer Banks are the perfect location for a retreat, and the beach house at the Trinity Center brings an air of calm, focused energy, perfect for any project.


This year, two groups of faculty joined us over spring break at the Trinity Center in Salter Path to take part in the peaceful ocean environment. We hope you had as much fun as we did — thank you for joining us, ECU Faculty!



Since March 2016, we have been taking these peaceful Spring Break ocean retreats with marvelous results.  If you’re interested in joining us at the Trinity Center in Salter Path, NC, over ECU’s Spring Break to retreat, write, and reflect together, we’d love to hear from you!

Front row, left to right: Rachelle Savitz and Julie Stanley

Second row: Borim Song, Sarah Page, Will Banks, Ryan Schacht, and Rebecca Johnson

Back row: Kerri Flinchbaugh, Laura Mazow, and Heidi Bonner

Not pictured: Rachelle Berry

Interested in setting up a writing retreat for your department or focus group? You can learn more about how we plan and organize writing retreats by reading about them here.