UWC: eTutoring, how does it work?
Sometimes physically coming to the University Writing Center can be a challenge. Work and class take up most of your time. Schedules don’t align. You live too far away. Or,...
Sometimes physically coming to the University Writing Center can be a challenge. Work and class take up most of your time. Schedules don’t align. You live too far away. Or,...
The University Writing Center (UWC) admin team Dr. Nikki Caswell, director, Dr. Rebecca Johnson, assistant director, and Elizabeth Gagne’, graduate assistant director attended the 2024 International Writing Center Association’s (IWCA)...
As generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools continue to develop and filter into our everyday lives, the professional and student staff of the University Writing Center (UWC) recognizes the need for...
The University Writing Center’s staff of twenty to twenty-five undergraduate and graduate consultants complete weekly professional development (PD), reading about strategies to best support students and discussing them together...
As the 2023-2024 academic year dawns, the University Writing Center (UWC) has already been preparing. At ten new-student orientations this summer, Dr. Rebecca Johnson and Steven Amador worked to...
Each year, the Graduate School hosts the Research and Creative Achievement Week (RCAW) to showcase the work that students across campus are investing their time and effort into. This...
Dr. Nicole Caswell, Dr. Rebecca Johnson, and Steven Amador ran a workshop at the 2023 CWCA/ACCR (Canadian Writing Centres Association/Association Canadienne des Centre de Rédaction) Conference. In their workshop...
This summer, Graduate Assistant Director Steven Amador had the extreme pleasure of leading a Scientific Writing Workshop for Dr. Stacey Meardon and her science students at ECU. With a...
Research shows that mental health concerns have been on the rise since the COVID-19 pandemic, especially among college students. Many colleges, including ECU, have services to aid students struggling...
The University’s Writing Center is an inclusive writing environment for our campus community. Through a consultant-led, semester-long professional development activity, these amazing students developed a Canvas-based module to...