Writing Liaisons

At ECU, a Writing Liaison is a faculty member who facilitates communication between academic programs and the University Writing Program to ensure that students receive consistent information about writing expectations and writing strategies. Additionally, the goal of the Liaisons program is to keep the leadership of the University Writing Program, the University Writing Center, and the Writing Foundations Program informed about the kinds of writing that students are expected to do in different degree programs and to keep faculty in ECU’s degree programs informed about what goes on in the Writing Foundations and University Writing Programs in terms of instructional philosophy, curriculum, tutorial support, and professional development opportunities.

In serving as a Writing Liaison, faculty commit to sharing information with faculty colleagues about upcoming events related to the UWP/UWC, responding to queries from the UWP Director about writing intensive issues/concerns in your program, and attending periodic meetings (in-person and/or online) related to any changes that the WAC Committee is considering so that we know we have input from all affected programs before taking proposals to Faculty Senate. Serving as a Writing Liaison is not a heavy commitment but it is an important one as we work to provide ECU students with a cohesive and focused writing intensive program as part of their undergraduate education.

Who is my Writing Liaison?

Current Writing Liaisons are indicated below. Please check back as this list will be updated regularly.

Department/College/SchoolWriting Liaison(s)
Addictions and Rehabilitation StudiesPaul Toriello
AnthropologyCharlie Ewen
Art and DesignPunam Madhok
BiologyEdmund Stellwag
ChemistryAnne Spuches
CommunicationCharles Meadows
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Computer ScienceMark Hills
Construction ManagementDan Thomas
Criminal JusticeScott Walfield
EconomicsNehad Elsawaf
Elementary and Middle Grades EducationJennifer Adams
EngineeringChris Venters
EnglishJim Kirkland
Foreign Languages and LiteraturesLaura Levi-Altstaedter
GeographyBeth Bee
GeologyCatherine Rigsby
Health Education and PromotionTamra Church
Health Services and Information ManagementRobert Kulesher
HistoryShannon Vance
Hospitality LeadershipCynthia Deale
Human Development and Family ScienceJacquelyn Mallette
Interior Design and MerchandisingErin Parrish
KinesiologyMelanie Sartore Baldwin
Literacy Studies, English and History EducationAnne Ticknor
ManagementMelita Prati
MathHeather Ries
MusicJocelyn Nelson
NursingMitzi Pestaner
Nutrition ScienceIan Hines
PhilosophyJohn Collins
PhysicsMark Sprague
Political ScienceNancy Spalding
PsychologyStephanie Wallio
Recreation SciencesRebecca Riedl Burnworth
Social WorkJennie Ann Cole
SociologyKathleen (Kathy) Jones
Special Education, Foundations and ResearchRebecca Harris
Technology SystemsCarolyn Dunn
Theater and DanceJen-Scott Mobley