Writing Accountability Groups
Where did all my writing time go this semester?!
Committing to regular and supported writing sessions is a way to assure writing productivity. Faculty writing groups like the Writing Across the Curriculum Virtual Writing Accountability Group provides structure, support, and accountability while building connections with a community of writers.
Right now is the perfect time for you to discover ways to make your writing time more effective, sustainable, and productive. The Writing Across the Curriculum Virtual Writing Accountability Group (WAG) offers support, encouragement, and accountability for faculty writers in the health sciences. Utilizing Microsoft Teams, this group offers options for synchronous and asynchronous writing support along with the integration of essential aspects of writing self-care for academics. Participants are offered opportunities to meet digitally with Thinking, Accountability, and/or Feedback Partners at any point in the writing process to support your development of a writing plan and efforts to balance multiple writing projects with regular writing sessions (1-2 times a week for 30 minutes to 1 hour), goal setting strategies, methods for building and tracking writing momentum, a curated collection of writing resources, and (optional) individualized writing or research consultations with support from talented University Writing Program Assistant Director, Dr. Kerri Flinchbaugh.
For additional information about Virtual WAGs, please contact Kerri Flinchbaugh by email at flinchbaughk@ecu.edu